You Want To Lose Weight? Five Drinks You Must Avoid
Calories are hidden in a number of seemingly healthy beverages which may be screwing over your big plans to get in shape. Even some seemingly innocent sips can cause set backs.
If you are trying to loose weight, you are way better off getting your calories from actual food rather than from drinks because they will help you feel full longer .
Drinks such as skim milk, diet sodas and even your 'healthy' fruit juice are laden with calories. From your first cups of coffee in the morning to that chilled afternoon iced tea, we compiled a list of the drinks you should avoid--or at least drink in moderation.
Juice, especially fruit juice, is packed with sugar. A glass of grape juice has nine teaspoons of sugar, a glass of orange juice has six teaspoons and a glass of apple juice has seven.
If you are trying to loose weight, you are way better off getting your calories from actual food rather than from drinks because they will help you feel full longer .
Drinks such as skim milk, diet sodas and even your 'healthy' fruit juice are laden with calories. From your first cups of coffee in the morning to that chilled afternoon iced tea, we compiled a list of the drinks you should avoid--or at least drink in moderation.
Diet Soft Drinks
They might seem like the healthier option when you're looking to cut calorie, reaching for a diet soft drink could be doing more harm than good.
According to scientists, calorie-free drinks like Diet Coke and Sprite Zero can increase a persons hunger and desire to eat. The findings, published in the International Journal of Obesity, revealed while people drink diet alternatives should have lost weight by avoiding sugary drinks, they simply made up the difference in calories at lunch.
This wouldn't help you get to your weight loss goal any quicker. But that doesn't mean you have to quit your caffeine addiction all together, you've just got to modify it a little.
Instead of ordering something made with cream, or even flavored soy-milk, order black coffee then add a splash of whole milk to your cup. That will cut loads of Calories from the creamy brews you normally get.
The bottom line is that the further you stray from that straight-up cup, the more likely you are to screw with your pounds-dropping plans.
Drinking juice can lead to a blood sugar spike, and when the spike drops, you can find yourself craving sugar and carbs, Harvard Medical School professor Dr David Ludwig told Women's Health.
Fruit juice also contains little fiber, so it's better to stick with eating fruit in it's whole form.
Iced Tea
Just like fruit juice, store bought iced tea is packed with sugar. In fact, one sweetened bottles of iced tea can contain as much as 116 calories. You're better off making your iced tea, without the added sugar.
Alcohol, especially beer and wine are crammed with calories. In fact, a glass of beer contains about 150 calories and can directly lead to weight gain. Fruity cocktails are also best to avoid, as just like fruit juice, they are packed with sugar.
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