Rapper Snoop Doggy Shuts Up Rob Kardashian Over Brouhaha With Blac Chyna

Rob Kardashian almost went crazy yesterday posting stuff about His baby mama's alleged cheating ISH......
Rapper Doggy waded in and told Rob the plan truth....

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he told Rob

“He knew what he was getting into when he got her. She is what she is, she was what she was. Quit crying to the internet n*gga, if you got more money to burn, go buy another. BlacChyna just did what she us supposed to do. She seen a sicker and licked it”


Meanwhile Instagram deleted Rob's account for sharing Chyna's nude photos..that was so so low of Mr Kardashian...
After IG account was deleted Rob moved to twitter..lol

*Blac Chyna is street and we all knew she was a disaster waiting to happen;I wonder why Rob is pretending like he is shocked...ho begets ho anyway!

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