Human ken doll Rodrigo Alves may loose nose after extensive surgeries

Brazilian human ken doll,Rodrigo Alves has received terrifying news that his nose may turn black,die and fall off if he attempts one ore surgery .After undergoing three rhinoplasties in one year, the returning Botched patient met Dr. Paul Nassif  who said while examining the nose..

"His nostrils are so small, and after what he's gone through with the MRSA, this is probably one of the worst results and complications that I've seen in my entire career,"

While Rodrigo fights to hold back tears, Dr. Nassif tells him,
 "The issue is that what we call the soft tissue envelope—that's the skin. By you having three surgeries in a period of 12 to 15 months, destroyed your tissue. The skin's no good.""Your nose on the inside you have no airway and it's short, so this is all scarred together. And since you just had surgery three months ago, it's going to scar down more. It's in a healing phase.""If you try to insult your skin one more time now while it's healing, there's a high possibility that if you let one of these doctors touch your nose now, this will turn black and then die and fall off," Dr. Nassif warns.

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